10 cruzeiros reais, 1993: Federative Republic of Brazil
BRASIL - 1993 - 10 CR$: Brazil - 1993 - 10 cruzeiros reais (symbol of the currency).
TAMANDUÁ: Southern tamandua — a species of anteater from South America that feeds on ants, termites, and bees.
Mintage: 300.000.000.
- Stainless steel: 22 mm - 3.6 g
- Reference price: 0.6$
COIN CRUZEIRO REAL — WHERE & WHEN (coins catalog: by names & emitents)
- FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL (1993-1994): cruzeiro real = 100 centavo
Cruzeiro real (plural: cruzeiros reais) — the transitional currency of Brazil from cruzeiro to real, which was in circulation only during 1993-1994 and was formally divided into 100 centavos (in fact, the centavos of this series was not issued — only cruzeiros reais coins).