1/40 rial (buqsha), 1949: Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen
Ruler: Ahmad bin Yahya Hamidaddin (H.M. al-Nasir-li-Dinullah Ahmad bin al-Mutawakkil 'Alallah Yahya) — King of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.
Date on coin: ١٣٦٨ — 1368.
AH 1368 (AH: Latin "Anno Hegirae" — "the year of the Hijra"; Islamic calendar) = 1949 (Gregorian calendar).
ضرب بصنعاء: Struck (coined) in Sanaa.
لا اله الا الله: There is no god but Allah.
سنة ١٣٦٨: year 1368.
ربع عشر: the fortieth part (1/40).
الله نصر١٣٦٧: God is Victory, AH 1367 (1948: the year of accession to the throne of the king of Yemen Ahmad bin Yahya Hamidaddin).
أحمد الحميد الدين: the King's name in crescent (one of the symbols of Islam).
امير المؤمنين الناصر الدين الله رب العالمين: the King's titles.
Sanaa Mint (the Yemeni capital).
- Bronze: 27 mm - 6.38 g
- Reference price: 6$
COIN RIAL — WHERE & WHEN (coins catalog: by names & emitents)
- NORTH YEMEN (1919-1985 — MUTAWAKKILITE KINGDOM OF YEMEN & YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC) + REPUBLIC OF YEMEN (1993-...): rial = 40 buqsha, rial = 100 fils (after 1974)
- IRAN (1790-...): rial = 1/8 toman = 1/1250 dīnār, rial = 100 dīnār (from 1931)
- KINGDOM OF MOROCCO (1882-1918): rial = 10 dirham = 500 mazuna
- OMAN (SULTANATE OF MUSCAT AND OMAN + SULTANATE OF OMAN, 1948-...): rial = 1000 baisa (before 1972: rial saidi & rial dhofari = 200 baisa)
- OTTOMAN TUNISIA (18th-19th centuries): rial = 16 kharub
About the name of the coin rial: the name of the coin is borrowed from the name of the Spanish real, which for several centuries was one of the most common coins in the world (this is a coin of Spain worth 8 reais — the so-called Spanish dollar).
It is also worth noting that there are a number of similar coin names: real, riyal, riel...