Quinarius: coin of Roman Republic; 1/2 denarius
QUINARIUS: COIN OF ROME Quinarius, 89 BC: Roman Republic Although this denomination is quite rare in principle, this t…
Huo quan: coin of Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty)
HUO QUAN: COIN OF ANCIENT CHINA Huo quan, 14-23 AD: Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty) Xin dynasty — a short-lived Chinese…
Tetrassarion: coin of Olbia (Roman province Lower Moesia)
TETRASSARION: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Tetrassarion, 1st century: Olbia (dependence on the Roman Empire) Ancient…
As: coin of Roman Empire; 1/10 denarius
AS: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE As, 41-54: Roman Empire Ruler: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus — the first Roman…
Zhu: coin of Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty)
ZHU: COIN OF ANCIENT CHINA 50 zhu (Daquan Wushi), 9-23 AD: Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty) The Xin dynasty in Chinese his…
Assarion: coin of Bosporan Kingdom (Panticapaeum)
ASSARION: COIN OF BOSPORUS Assarion, 39-45 AD: Bosporan Kingdom The Bosporan Kingdom (Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporu…
Quadrans: coin of Roman Empire; 1/4 as
QUADRANS: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Quadrans, ND (41-54 AD): Roman Empire Ruler: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanic…