Maille: coin from County of Flanders (Belgium)
MAILLE: COIN OF FLANDERS Maille, 1180-1220: County of Flanders County of Flanders — one of the most powerful political…
Penning: coin of Spanish Netherlands (Duchy of Brabant)
PENNING: COIN OF BRABANT (SPANISH NETHERLANDS) 2 penning, 1606: Duchy of Brabant (Spanish Netherlands) Ruler: Albert V…
Patagon: coin of Spanish Netherlands (Duchy of Brabant)
PATAGON: COIN OF SPANISH NETHERLANDS 1/4 patagon, 1612-1619: Duchy of Brabant (Spanish Netherlands) Ruler: Albert VII …
Oord: coin of Spanish Netherlands (Duchy of Brabant)
OORD: COIN OF BRABANT (BELGIAN STATES) Oord, 1607: Duchy of Brabant (Spanish Netherlands) Ruler: Albert VII — Arch…
Mijt: coin of Burgundian Netherlands (14th-16th centuries)
MIJT: COIN OF BURGUNDIAN NETHERLANDS 2 mijt (or mite), 1384-1404: Burgundian Netherlands ND (no date). Ruler: Philip t…