Phan: coin of Vietnam (Đại Việt)
PHAN: COIN OF VIETNAM Phan (also: cash), 1740-1786: Vietnam (Đại Việt) Đại Việt (literally: Great Việt) — monarchy in …
Cash: coin from Kingdom of Travancore (1815-1949); 1/448 rupee
CASH: COIN OF TRAVANCORE (INDIA) 1 cash (കാശു), ND (1928-1949): Kingdom of Travancore Ruler: Chithira Thirunal Bala …
Amman kasu: coin from Princely State of Pudukkottai
AMMAN KASU: COIN OF PUDUKKOTTAI (INDIA) Amman kasu /Amman cash/, ND (1889-1906): Pudukkottai State Actually, it is a…