Maille: coin from County of Flanders (Belgium)
MAILLE: COIN OF FLANDERS Maille, 1180-1220: County of Flanders County of Flanders — one of the most powerful political…
Denarius saracenus: coin from Kingdom of Hungary (1373-1382)
DENARIUS SARACENUS: COIN OF HUNGARY Denár (denarius saracenus), 1373-1382: Kingdom of Hungary Denarius saracenus — a t…
Penyaz: coin (denar) from Grand Duchy of Lithuania
PENYAZ: COIN OF LITHUANIA Penyaz (denar), 1392-1430: Grand Duchy of Lithuania There is information about the producti…
Denár: coin from Kingdom of Hungary (10th-18th centuries)
DENÁR: COIN OF HUNGARY Denár, 1338: Kingdom of Hungary Ruler: Charles I of Hungary, also Charles Robert (Hungarian &q…
Denar: coin from Republic of Macedonia (1993-...); 100 deni
DENAR: COIN OF MACEDONIA 1 denar (денар), 2000: Republic of Macedonia Theme of the commemorative circulation coin: 20…