Gazzetta: coin from Kingdom of the Morea (Republic of Venice)
Pentonkion: coin of Messina (Sicily, Ancient Greece)
Soldino: coin from Kingdom of Candia (Venetian Crete)
Hemiobol: coin of Cyzicus (Mysia, Ancient Greece)
Litra: coin of Syracuse (Sicily, Ancient Greece)
Lepton (plural — lepta): coin from Kingdom of Greece
Olbia dolphin: coin (proto-currency) of ancient Greek city
Chalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia; 2 lepton
Drachma: coin of Cretan State (1901); 100 lepton
Wheel money: coin of Istros (500-400 BC)
Celtic tetradrachm: coin of celts in Central and Eastern Europe (300-50 BC)
Dichalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia (400-90 BC)