Bullion coins: ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, Ukraine (silver 1 hryvnia)
BULLION COINS: UKRAINIAN ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 1 hryvnia (bullion coin "Archangel Michael"), 2022: Ukraine Non-c…
Borysthenes: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia
BORYSTHENES: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Borysthenes, 3nd century BC: Greek city-state Olbia Pontic Olbia or Olbia …
Beshlik: coin of Crimean Khanate; 5 akçe
BESHLIK: COIN OF CRIMEAN KHANATE Beshlik, 1692-1699: Crimean Khanate Crimean Khanate — Crimean Tatar state existing …
Tetrassarion: coin of Olbia (Roman province Lower Moesia)
TETRASSARION: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Tetrassarion, 1st century: Olbia (dependence on the Roman Empire) Ancient…
Stater: coin of Bosporan Kingdom (Panticapaeum)
STATER: COIN OF BOSPORUS Stater, 322: Bosporan Kingdom Bosporan Kingdom (Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus) — an ancie…
Error coins: mint-made errors (phenomenon in numismatic)
ERROR COINS: MINT-MADE ERRORS Offset Die (Mint-made Error) on Ukrainian coin — 1 hryvnia, 2003: Ukraine The photo show…
Karbovanets: coin of Ukraine (1995-1996)
KARBOVANETS: COIN OF UKRAINE 200 000 karbovanets, 1995: Ukraine Non-circulating commemorative coin of Ukraine (the fi…
Assarion: coin of Bosporan Kingdom (Panticapaeum)
ASSARION: COIN OF BOSPORUS Assarion, 39-45 AD: Bosporan Kingdom The Bosporan Kingdom (Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporu…
Kopeck | Akçe: coin of Crimean Khanate (1780-1782)
KOPECK | AKÇE: COIN OF CRIMEAN KHANATE 1 kopeck | 3 akçe, 1780: Crimean Khanate (Russian Empire, protectorate) The Cri…
Pūl: coin of Golden Horde (13th-15th centuries)
PŪL: COIN OF GOLDEN HORDE Pūl, 1379-1396: Golden Horde ND (no date): approximate dating. Ruler: Tokhtamysh (not Tokhta…