Euro: coin from Republic of Lithuania; 2015-...
EURO: COIN OF LITHUANIA 1 euro, 2015: Republic of Lithuania 1 EURO . The face value of the coin is indicated on the …
Litas: coin from Republic of Lithuania; 100 centas
LITAS: COIN OF LITHUANIA 2 litas, 1925: Republic of Lithuania 2 - DU LITU : 2 - two litas. Plant ornament (stylized wr…
Czworak: coin from Grand Duchy of Lithuania; 4 grosze
CZWORAK: COIN OF LITHUANIA Czworak, 1568: Grand Duchy of Lithuania Ruler: Sigismund II Augustus (Polish "Zygmunt …
Penyaz: coin (denar) from Grand Duchy of Lithuania
PENYAZ: COIN OF LITHUANIA Penyaz (denar), 1392-1430: Grand Duchy of Lithuania There is information about the producti…
Centas: coin from Republic of Lithuania; 1/100 litas
CENTAS: COIN OF LITHUANIA 5 centai, 1991: Republic of Lithuania 5 CENTAI (singular — centas). A symbolic ornament s…
Boratynka: coin of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; solid
BORATYNKA: COIN OF LITHUANIA Boratynka (Solid), 1665: Grand Duchy of Lithuania Coin of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania …
Dwudenar: coin from Grand Duchy of Lithuania; 2 denar
DWUDENAR: COIN OF LITHUANIA Dwudenar /2 denar/, 1570: Grand Duchy of Lithuania Ruler: Sigismund II Augustus (Jagiel…
Polgrosz: coin from Grand Duchy of Lithuania; 1/2 grosz
POLGROSZ: COIN OF LITHUANIA Polgrosz (lit. "Pusgrašis", pol. "Półgrosz"), 1559: Grand Duchy of Li…