Huo quan: coin of Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty)
HUO QUAN: COIN OF ANCIENT CHINA Huo quan, 14-23 AD: Chinese Empire (Xin dynasty) Xin dynasty — a short-lived Chinese…
AR ½ drachm: coin of Abbasid Caliphate
AR ½ DRACHM: COIN FROM TABARISTAN AR ½ drachm, 772-779: Abbasid Caliphate in Tabaristan Abbasid Caliphate (also: Baghd…
Siliqua: coin of Later Roman Empire; 4th-7th centuries
SILIQUA: COIN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Siliqua, 347-355: Later Roman Empire Ruler: Constantius II (Latin "Flavius Julius C…
Dreiling: coin from duchies of Schleswig and Holstein (Germany)
DREILING: COIN OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN 1 dreiling, 1850: Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein Schleswig-Holstein — the no…
Borysthenes: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia
BORYSTHENES: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Borysthenes, 3nd century BC: Greek city-state Olbia Pontic Olbia or Olbia …
Square dirhem: coin of Almohad Caliphate
SQUARE DIRHEM: COIN OF ALMOHADS Square dirhem, 13th century: Almohad Caliphate Almohad Caliphate (Arabic "خِلَافَ…
Grosz koronny: coin of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
GROSZ KORONNY: COIN OF POLAND Grosz koronny, 1613: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Ruler: Sigismund III Vasa — King o…
Dhinglo: coin from Princely State of Nawanagar
DHINGLO: COIN OF NAWANAGAR (INDIA) Dhinglo, 19th century: Princely State of Nawanagar For several centuries, this coin…
Prague groschen: coin from Kingdom of Bohemia
PRAGUE GROSCHEN: COIN OF BOHEMIA Prague groschen, 1378-1419: Kingdom of Bohemia Bohemia — historical region, as well a…
Semis: coin from City of Castulo (Ancient Spain)
SEMIS: COIN OF CASTULO (ROMAN SPAIN) Semis, 154-133 BC: City of Castulo (Hispania: Ancient Iberia under Rome) Coin of …
Beshlik: coin of Crimean Khanate; 5 akçe
BESHLIK: COIN OF CRIMEAN KHANATE Beshlik, 1692-1699: Crimean Khanate Crimean Khanate — Crimean Tatar state existing …
Macuta: coin of Portuguese Angola
MACUTA: COIN OF PORTUGUESE ANGOLA 4 macuta, 1928: Portuguese Angola The denomination of the coin is indicated in two w…
Kardez: coin from Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
KARDEZ: COIN OF CILICIAN ARMENIA Kardez, 1226-1270: Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia ND (no date). Ruler: King of Cilician …
Tetrassarion: coin of Olbia (Roman province Lower Moesia)
TETRASSARION: COIN OF OLBIA (MODERN UKRAINE) Tetrassarion, 1st century: Olbia (dependence on the Roman Empire) Ancient…
Penning: coin of Spanish Netherlands (Duchy of Brabant)
PENNING: COIN OF BRABANT (SPANISH NETHERLANDS) 2 penning, 1606: Duchy of Brabant (Spanish Netherlands) Ruler: Albert V…
Abbasi: coin of Persia (Safavid dynasty)
ABBASI: COIN OF SAFAVID PERSIA 1 abbasi, 1720: Safavid Persia (Iran) Safavid Persia — one of the largest and long-stan…
Frang ar: coin of Albanian Kingdom (1926-1938)
FRANG AR: COIN OF ALBANIA 1 frang ar, 1937: Albanian Kingdom Ruler: Zog I (Ahmed Muhtar Zogolli) — king of Albania (19…
Poltinnik: coin from Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
POLTINNIK: COIN OF SOVIET UNION Poltinnik, 1924: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics A Soviet blacksmith with a sled…
Tetrachalkon: coin of Laodikeia (Phrygia)
TETRACHALKON: COIN OF LAODIKEIA Tetrachalkon, 133-67 BC: Laodikeia (Phrygia) Phrygia — kingdom in the west-central par…
Kopeck serebrom: coin of Russian Empire (1839-1848)
KOPECK SEREBROM: COIN OF RUSSIA 1 kopeck serebrom, 1841: Russian Empire Ruler: Nicholas I (Russian "Николай Павло…